
I was wondering
what is life?
expecting something to happen
or the certainty that something will happen

Today they sank a warship off the coast of Key West. So we were told. A friend saw it from the top of La Concha. Well, he missed it. Apparently he blinked at the worst possible moment. Typical.

At the moment of the sinking, unbeknown to me, I was cleaning my eyes from the night gunk. And, while walking to the event (widely publicized, of course), I was told that no big explosion, nor any drama to the non-event. His companion insisted in a conspiracy (here we go again!), because she WAS looking and it suddenly disappeared. She says it has to do with some complex mass illusion induced in order to cover up the real purpose of the vessel designated (I swear she used the word) "Vandenberg", and a fumbled explanation of some aliens having landed nearby... My cellphone runs out of minutes...

He calls me later and I read him my impression of the sinking of the boat.

- I like it! he says.

(Good Morning Key West made a little piece inspired on my little poem. Lovely way to welcome us. Thanks!)

Midnite addition: apparently they did sink it, but it was so fast almost anybody could see it. Here is footage in extremely slow motion...

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